Tuesday, October 20, 2009

TIME FOR NYNORSK AND BOKMÅL....come and ride with me!!!

I was so eager to start my Norwegian language classes, being in Norway means I have to speak the language to easy my work and while on stay in Norway. there are two (2) written languages the Nynorsk and Bokmål all are very interesting.
 Though there are some Norwegian words which are related to english never think that the pronounsation will be the same its qiut different to pronounce and the language has this funny letters that you can write but you can not pronounce them when speaking for example letter (å,æ,ø,j,y...the list continues)..

I am in a class of very wonderful, intelligent and beautiful young people from different countries like Brazil, Chile, Bulgeria, England, Spain, Philipines, Denmark Sudan and so on.....

It really feels so good sharing different cultures and experiences in Norway and at home countries with this wonderful people.......
  One of my friends in the class called Amy adviced me to read children books to make it more easier to learn Norwegian language and its working with me now.....more interesting is learning the slangs like (Hva skjera..which means wats up.....). it just gives me the love for the language.
On the left... is my teacher Christine,she is very nice, kind and so charming teacher and i love the way she teachers us in the four hours lecture..........she gives us pratical tests during the four hours which makes learning more interesting and easier to know what one has not understood during the lectures............... She drivessome one in to the moods of learning the language when she tells us that its easy though its not with the pronunciations.......
 Remember I told you before that the class comprises of very intelligent and beautiful young people, i think you can agree with me thats true...
 I just love the way people socialise themselves in the class, it takes away the lonelines that i feel inside me. They are like my family and i always long for wednesdays to come so that i get to see every body with new Norwegan words, its realy impressive with this youths....

Being happy makes the brain become fresh

my co-delegate Ahmed working out the practicle tests
background every body is bust trying to forcus!!!

Beautiful girls with smart brain

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